Policies & Procedures

SVC has worked with a variety of organizations to assist them in setting practice expectations. Counties we have assisted include Kings, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, Santa Clara, and San Mateo. Policies and procedures are guided by state and federal law, but also support the needs of the specific county, organization, or workforce. Written policies that reflect current program requirements are a key pillar of a well-functioning organization and support workforce competency. 

  • With new ACLs and ACINs being released frequently, it can be an arduous task to keep policies and procedures up to date — especially when new mandates require practice changes in multiple areas and programs. 

    SVC has assisted several counties to update their existing policies and procedures to reflect current laws, mandates, and best practices.

  • SVC translates state and federal requirements and best practices into effective agency policies and procedures to fill gaps or comply with new laws and mandates.

“When our Agency took on the arduous but necessary task of updating its policy and procedures Online Handbook last year, I was less than thrilled at the prospect of getting an additional assignment. I’d worked with one of SVC’s consultants on a previous project, so I assumed they would come to the work with a high level of knowledge and competency. What turned out to be equally important in moving the project forward, however, was the SVC consultant’s relaxed interactional style, and open-minded curiosity. She did a great job of eliciting my lived experience with the work, and translating it into straightforward, user-friendly language that gave us the improved version of the Handbook that we needed.” 

Matthew Radisch, Social Worker Supervisor 
San Mateo County Children & Family Services